HOLA and welcome to Speaking Simply Spanish.  This intermediate course is intended to give you a more in-depth knowledge of the Spanish language, provide you with added vocabulary and increase your knowledge of verbs and grammar.  Thanks to the beginner’s course and your hard work in completing it you should already be feeling more confident.

You will see that the intermediate course is divided into simple sections which will guide you through your learning journey.

The STUDY section is divided into three parts grammar, verbs, and vocabulary. The GRAMMAR lessons will help you really understand the Spanish language. The VERB section will explain how to conjugate the future and past verb tenses and equally important how to use them. The VOCABULARY section will provide the necessary words to allow you to complete the other sections as well as learn lots of everyday words and phrases.

The PRACTICAL section contains interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding of the lessons in the Study section.




DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES   The Demonstrative Adjectives basically demonstrate where the noun is or in other words the location of the noun.  The noun could be close “this” - “esto”, slightly further away “that” -  “eso” or even further away “that one over there” ...