speaking simply spanish
beginners spanish content
grammar quiz


Use the knowledge you have gained in the study section to translate the following sentences. Read the phrase in English and say the Spanish out loud before you click on the yellow icon to see if you were right.

Buena suerte.


Example: I wash myself

Yo me lavo


We wash ourselves

Nosotros nos lavamos

He brushes his teeth.

Él se cepilla los dientes.

You shower every day.

Tú te duchas cada día.

He showers every morning.

Él se ducha cada mañana.

You are called Alfonso.

Tú te llamas Alfonso.

They (m) go away.

Ellos se van.


They (f) do not go way.

Ellas no se van.

They (f) get up at 7 a.m.

Ellas se levantan a las siete de la mañana.

All of you go to bed at 10 p.m.

Vosotros os acostáis a las diez de la tarde.

He shaves every day.

Él se afeita cada día.

I´m called Maria.

Yo me llamo María

We wash our hair.

Nosotros nos lavamos el pelo.

All of you go away.

Vosotros os vais.

Sit down ! (you formal)

¡ sientese !

The children shower.

Los niños se duchan.

They go away on holiday.

Ellos se van de vacaciones.

She has a headache.

Ella se duele la cabeza.

They feel sick.

Ellos se sienten enfermos.

She dries her hair.

Ella se seca el pelo.