speaking simply spanish
beginners spanish content
grammar quiz


Use the knowledge you have gained in the study section to translate the following sentences. Read the phrase in English and say the Spanish out loud before you click on the yellow icon to see if you were right.

Buena suerte.


EXAMPLE : A house

Una casa


A car

Un coche

A boy

Un niño

A girl

Una niña

Some boys

Unos niños

Some girls

Unas niñas

A table

Una mesa

A dog

Un perro

Some cats

Unos gatos

A paper

Un papel

Some papers

Unos papeles

A month

Un mes

Some months

Unos meses

A chair

Una silla

A rubber

Una goma

A man

Un hombre

A woman

Una mujer

Some men

Unos hombres

Some women

Unas mujeres

A day

Un día